Jujube Festival

EVENTS 19 e 20 September 2015 – Feast of Jujube Lio Piccolo organized by Association of Lio Piccolo with the sponsorship of the municipality of Cavallino-Treporti. It is advisable to reach the village of Lio Piccolo by bike or shuttle service departing from Saccagnana from 9 am to 9 pm.
The program includes:
Saturday, September 19
19.30: Classical ballet
20.30: Dinner by candlelight (reservation tel. +39 334 1110425) with the musical accompaniment of the group “The lions of St. Mark”
Sunday, 20 September: exhibition stands of local handicraft
10.30: inauguration of photo exhibition staff Paolo Toffoli and exhibition ‘The Farm’ with works by Paolo Piovesan
11:00 am: Holy Mass
12.00: opening wine and food stands
14.00: entertainment for adults and children with the Clown “Nuvoletta”
16.00 Musical performance of the group “Aurora wind band”
Web source: http://www.comune.cavallinotreporti.ve.it